We are committed to providing our children with a challenging education in a safe, nurturing and inclusive environment.
We are a supportive village, with a personalised academic focus and passionate, consistent teaching team.
We believe each and every child has a unique learning experience at St Joseph’s.
We follow the NESA (NSW Education and Standards Authority) Curriculum, as do all other schools in NSW.
But here’s how we’re different…
ENRICHMENT & SUPPORT: We have our own school-based units adapted to meet the needs of students.
COLLABORATIVE COACHING: We cater for students of all abilities within the classroom. We have a teacher mentoring program and consistently analyse student development.
TEACHER GROWTH & CONSISTENCY: We have a core group of teachers and teacher’s aids to ensure continuity of learning. We constantly develop our teachers across key areas, to ensure maximum support and growth for our students.
EMBRACING THE ENVIRONMENT: Gone are the days of sitting solely at your desk. We use a variety of techniques to help stimulate our students and keep them focused. Wobble chairs, stand up desks, ‘flip’ tables, floor ‘desks’, chill-out zones. We also have ‘Sandy Learning Sessions’, where classes enjoy a lesson at the beach – Art, English, Maths, Science, Geography, History and more.
We are developing kind, inquisitive, resilient members of the community.
We are constantly striving to grow our students’ minds – inspiring, challenging, supporting.
From the classroom to the playground (and beyond), the ‘Joeys Way’ is ingrained in everything we do.
Consistent positive reinforcement: Achievement and Positive Behaviours for Learning awards /recognition.
Leadership opportunities from Year 5 and peer voted Class Captains each term across all grades.
Open dialogue with parents: You can speak with your teacher, and we have an active P&F and Parent Engagement Co-Ordinator
Seeing, hearing and responding: We believe in giving our students respect and the opportunity to shine, to change, to learn. Your child will not ‘fall through the cracks.’
Embracing the unique: Every child is different and we celebrate that. There’s room to flex in all different ways – from sport, to reading, craft, dancing, robotics and more.